My appearance on ‘The Lure Fishing Podcast’ (in case you missed it…)

My appearance on ‘The Lure Fishing Podcast’ (in case you missed it…)

In case you missed it (I continually appreciate that not everyone is a Facebook or Instagram regular) I wanted to highlight a fairly recent (early-April) recording/appearance that I was very kindly asked to perform for a fellow angler and a very nice fellow too called Cormac Walsh at Bass Fishing Ireland.

Since the turn of the year, Cormac’s ‘The Lure Fishing Podcast’ (here) has featured not only my dulcet tones, but also those of nine other highly experienced bass and multi-species anglers, professional guides, lure makers/designers and You Tube film makers. Alongside yours truly, Henry Gilbey, Grant Woodgate (Samson Lures), John Quinlan (Thatch Cottage Fishing Lodge in Kerry Ireland), Marcus Hazledine (Seeker Sporfishing) and Michael Kelly (Owner of Evobass Lures) among others have also been ‘interviewed’ by Cormac, therefore, there should be something for everyone, of that I have no doubt.

I genuinely had absolutely no idea what Cormac was going to ask me so, I didn’t have a ‘script’ to turn to. But I have to say that he asked me some fantastic questions that I thoroughly enjoyed answering – which most probably explains my rather exciting ramblings about all things bass lure fishing related (a subject I could talk about 24 hours a day!), in addition to my constant referencing to my recently released book – apologies in advance for that!

Subjects covered

So if you do have a spare hour, and fancy a listen while you’re sat in the garden enjoying this marvellous weather, then Cormac has very kindly provided the links to the three separate platforms (Spotify, Apple and Audible) in which the recording is available. You do not need to pay to listen to my episode or any of the other nine, however, if you don’t already subscribe to either of the above then you will need to open an account (which is also free).

The subjects covered (I was led entirely by Cormac I promise!) include:

  • The books I have written and what is incorporated within them.
  • The personal learning journey that I am on.
  • The variety and diverse nature of the south Devon coastline.
  • Bass behaviour.
  • How I became a Professional Guide.
  • How to target ‘big bass’ on lures.
  • Night fishing with lures.
  • Open coast and estuary fishing tactics.
  • How my approach has developed over the years.
  • Bass lure fishing in murky water.
  • How my clients assist me to continually learn.
  • Lure fishing for bass in winter.





My Books…

If you’ve enjoyed the podcast and your appetite has been whetted in this respect, my new title ‘Bass Lure Fishing – A Guide’s Perspective (Volume 2)’ is IN STOCK and available to purchase. Details of the contents within each respective book in the image above can be found in the blog post that I wrote recently here, in addition to the various PayPal payment options applicable to each book at the bottom of that post. Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay by Bank Transfer or you just have a query, you can contact me via the Contact Form below or directly at and I will answer as quickly as I possibly can. Thank you.

Thanks for reading.

Marc Cowling

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